Saturday, January 9, 2021

Rev. Dan Polecheck - Universal Life Church Ministries - Have You Grown Weary in Well Doing?

Reposted from Chris Darden.

I am tired. Not so much in the body as in the soul. Oh, I am getting older and that comes with physical fatigue but lately I feel more of a spiritual wearing down. I suspect I am not alone in this.

It seems the world is growing more hateful by the day. People are more divided on every issue than I have ever witnessed. Things that Christians know to be wrong from scripture are being sold to the world as right.

And this virus, this lousy virus. We have had to change the way we meet at church, if we get to meet at all. The worry of getting another person sick by our presence, even if we don’t know we have the virus, always looms in our mind when we meet together.

These are trying times for a child of God. My heart aches to witness the shape of this world. My soul weeps as I watch people fuss and fight over all manner of things. Hate is in full force throughout this world.

Sometimes I think that I should throw in the towel. What can I really change by trying to live like Christ has taught me? Does doing good make any difference at all?

It doesn’t take much of this self pity for the Holy Ghost to come by and stir in my soul. I am refreshed and reminded that there are people who need to know about Jesus. There are souls in peril daily, and my duty as a Christian is to live a life pleasing to God. Well doing should be my daily goal.

Life Has Never Been Easy For A Christian

False prophets and teachers would have you to believe that no trouble will come to a Christian. This is not true today nor has it ever been.

The early church was persecuted daily for their beliefs. They perservered though, even as their lives were being threatened. They saw some reason to keep going. The threat of imprisonment, beatings, and even loss of life was not enough to stop them from doing well.

Today, in other countries, Christians fight the same fight. Many believers are still losing their lives to spread the Gospel. They carry their cross to the end. That is the mark of a true Christian.

I think we Christians in America have been blessed for so long with freedom to worship that we have taken it for granted. We have grown at ease in Zion, and forgot about the price that was paid to enjoy the blessings we have.

Amos 6:1 Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!

We Will Reap, If We Faint Not

So why should you and I keep going? Is it worth the effort? Does doing good really matter?

There is a Biblical principle called sowing and reaping. This means that the things you do today, sowing, will have an effect on what you recieve in the future, reaping. If we sow good seed now, we will benefit later. If we plant bad seed, sin, we will not enjoy the harvest.

We live in a time where people want it all today. That explains the debt we carry as a whole in this country. We want it all now, with no effort. There are consequences for our actions. There is a price to pay.

In my youth I was foolish. I thought maybe the world had something to offer. I lived in a manner inconsistent with what Jesus taught. This cost me a lot, both spiritually and phsically. Thank God for his grace and mercy.

Now, with some years behind me, I can see that I lost some blessings living in the far country. There are places that Christians have no business being. How we live matters, to oursleves and those around us.

God has blessed me with a wonderful family. He has given me some wonderful friends in the church. Most importantly, I have peace when I do what God has instructed. I am miserable when I do not.

Gal 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

We Should Do Good Unto All Men

Okay, so here comes the hard part. It is easy for me to do good to those that treat me well. There is little challenge in hugging some dear saint at church. To help those that have helped you is not difficult at all.

But what about the ones that hate the church? People all across this world scoff at the name of Jesus. Some will even try to kill you if you are a Christian.

If I let this flesh rule my thinking I will become bitter toward this world. My heart, which is deceptive, will tell me to hate those that hate me. Then I am reminded that I was once lost without hope.

The only difference in me and those that hate Jesus is that He saved me and changed me. That is what I want for everyone because the truth is none of us deserve salvation.

That is why it is vital for Christians to strive to do good to all men. There is no hope for a lost world outside of Jesus Christ. What we say to others is of no importance if we do not treat them well.

Gal 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

These are troublesome times, dear friend. I would say that they are probably as bad as I have ever seen. The scope of my experience is limited though, and I am persuaded that harder times have come in this world.

Thank God for saints that have perservered through all manner of difficulty. You and I are still living off the bounty of blessings that we inherited because they chose to be obedient to God. There was a reason for them to continue to live right.

I want to encourage you today, if you are a Christian, to continue to walk as God would have you. I need you to push me to do the same. There is still a cause, no matter how bad things get. There is still a reason to not grow weary of well doing.

Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

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