Sometimes the challenge in trying to give hope to others is made difficult by your own thoughts. Insecurity and doubt makes it difficult to see how much help you could give to someone else. Then the glaring question pops into your head that hinders a lot of us. Who am I to give hope to others?
I, like you, question my merit in God’s work. How can I spread hope when I am so weak myself? What do I have to offer to the world that can help? If they know how much I have done wrong in the past, will they hear what I have to say?
These are the questions that hinder me occasionally. Maybe you have similar thoughts too. I think they are probably common to most of us. But God didn’t give you those thoughts. He thinks more of you than that.
Psalms 139:14 I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
An Early Example of Insecurity
These are the questions that hinder me occasionally. Maybe you have similar thoughts too. I think they are probably common to most of us. But God didn’t give you those thoughts. He thinks more of you than that.
Perhaps you have heard of a man called Moses. In the book of Exodus we are told that God called on Moses to go into Egypt and petition Pharaoh to release the children of Israel.
Moses replied like many of us would. He let self-doubt rule his thoughts and made up excuses as to why he could not do what God asked him to. The trip to Egypt was something that Moses just didn’t feel qualified to make.
Are You Sure You Have The Right Person?
The first response Moses submitted to the Lord was “Who Am I ?” Have you ever felt led to do something and then asked that same question? Moses then assumed to know everyone else’s mind and told God the people would not believe that He had sent him. Finally, Moses tried to get out of it because he felt he was not an eloquent speaker.
When Moses asked God who he was to do this thing, God simply replied that He would be with him. Then He answered Moses about his concern of the people not believing he was sent by God. He gave him a rod that turned to a serpent as proof that someone of great power had sent him. As to the question of Moses’ speech, the Lord sent his brother, Aaron, to talk for him.
God Does Not Call The Wrong Person
God was the one who created Moses. He knew everything about him. All of the excuses that Moses had to not go to Egypt were answered by the Lord. History has shown that Moses was the right choice for the job. God knew it all along.
Perhaps you feel led to do a wonderful work for the Lord. Whatever the calling, and you know what it is, I believe that we were all created to give God glory. Moses went on to do the work that he was called to do. The children of Israel found their freedom as a result.
What if there is someone in spiritual bondage today waiting on you to do what God has asked? Will you be like Moses and ask “Who am I”? I want you to realize today that we are all imperfect people. God does not call the perfect to help. He does not have the wrong person. Do what God bids you today, and He will give you all you need to do it. Then we will all receive a blessing.
Eph 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.
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