Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Honoring Navy SEAL Neil Roberts

Honoring Navy SEAL Neil Roberts who selflessly sacrificed his life during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Please help me honor him so that he is not forgotten.

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Honoring Army Spc. Jessica Y. Sarandrea

Honoring Army Spc. Jessica Y. Sarandrea who selflessly sacrificed her life twelve years ago in Iraq for our great Country. Please help me honor her so that she is not forgotten.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Honoring Army Spc. Michael R. Woodliff

Honoring Army Spc. Michael R. Woodliff who selflessly sacrificed his life seventeen years ago in Iraq for our great Country. Please help me honor him so that he is not forgotten.

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Convention of States - THE MOST WIDESPREAD DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN IN U.S. HISTORY