Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Honoring Navy SEAL Thomas Valentine

Honoring Navy SEAL Thomas Valentine who was KIT thirteen years ago. Please help me honor him so that he is not forgotten.

Rev. Dan Polecheck - Universal Love Church Ministries - Planting Your Spring Garden

Planting Your Spring Garden

For The Garden of Your Daily Living

Plant Three Rows of Peas.

1. Peace of Mind.
2. Peace of Heart.
3. Peace of Soul.

Plant Four Rows of Squash.

1. Squash Gossip.
2. Squash Indiffence
3. Squash Grumbling.
4. Squash Selfishness.

Plant Four Rows of Lettuce.

1. Lettuce be Faithful.
2. Lettuce be Kind.
3. Lettuce be Patient.
4. Lettuce Really Love One Another.

No Garden is Complete Without Turnips

1. Turnip for Meetings.
2. Turnip for Service.
3. Turnip to Help One Another.

To Conclude Our Garden We Must Have Thyme.

1. Thyme for Each Other.
2. Thyme for Family.
3. Thyme for Friends.

Water Freely with Patience
And Cultivate with Love.
There is Much Fruit in Your Garden
Because You Reap What You Sow.

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Honoring Army Sgt. Alberto D. Montrond

Honoring Army Sgt. Alberto D. Montrond who selflessly sacrificed his life fifteen years ago in Afghanistan for our great Country. Please help me honor him so that he is not forgotten.

The Ramblings of a Crusty Old Sailor - Convention of States - THE MOST WIDESPREAD DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN IN U.S. HISTORY